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Smart Factory Consulting

Your industry consultation service for sheet metal processing

From the initial idea to actual implementation –  as experts in  sheet metal processing, we are your hands-on and equal partner for process optimization, entrepreneurial questions or when planning a new production. And we know that no two paths are ever the same. That is why our pragmatic solutions are as individual as you are.

Smart Factory Consulting: The copilot for your networked production

A shortage of skilled workers, new competitors and supply chains as well as rising prices – industrial manufacturing is becoming more and more challenging. It's no question that networked processes promise a solution. But where does one start with process optimization? Lest you put off "project future" for too long: get an experienced copilot on board who already understands the sheet metal process chain. Whether you are interested in digitalization, factory planning, or planning for the future: we guide you in your strategic orientation and its practical implementation.

How we work


As a copilot for your networked production, we not only make stylish presentations, but also tangible suggestions that generate profit and save time.


The success of our consultation will be palpable and measurable in your operations. To this end, we define quantitative and qualitative metrics together.


A common language brings people together. We speak the language of sheet metal processing fluently and advise you on an equal footing – from small businesses to large corporations.


Smart Factory Consulting is an independent subsidiary of TRUMPF. For you this means: objective advice and industry expertise from a network of strong partners.

What our consultants say

We are sheet metal manufacturers ourselves and know the business better than anyone else. In Smart Factory Consulting, we uniquely combine methodological expertise with a deep understanding of technology and processes in the sheet metal industry - for all process steps in your production.


The potential offered by digitalization is often overlooked. But digitalization must not be the end goal in and of itself, as at the end of the day, digitalized chaos is still chaos. Our path to digitalization focuses on optimizing process - success can only be achieved when we work hand in hand.


Factory planning requires all of our joint expertise. We holistically plan the content of your sheet metal processing for each process step, whether you're planning a greenfield site, an extension to your hall or just want to continue growing in your current facilities - we have the optimum solution.


Rising energy and raw material prices, the shortage of skilled workers and retirement of knowledge carriers have all increased the pressure on production. We take a pragmatic and results-driven approach to help you stay profitable and grow.


Cost reduction is the focus of many companies, not just in economically challenging times. The first step toward cost optimization is creating transparency. We create a solid database in collaboration with you, drawing attention to the relevant parameters.


We support our customers with the introduction of Oseon, the TRUMPF software for production control. In this way, we ensure that processes and software are perfectly coordinated.


Working alongside you, we develop goal-oriented solutions for sustainable optimization of your processes and implement your Smart Factory step by step.


Transparency and automation reduce production costs. We help you to find the right balance for your company. Because no two production processes are the same.


Successfully create a Smart Factory in just four steps!

Take the next steps with us towards your productive and sustainably profitable smart factory. We help manufacturing companies recognize and implement their potential for the factory of the future. To do this, we pass on the experience we have gained from consulting projects to you. A network of strong partners completes our service spectrum. This enables us to provide you with comprehensive advice until you are absolutely satisfied. 

It all starts with analysis

We analyze your process chain on-site – from order intake to dispatch. We then recommend specific steps to help you get your production on track.

The timetable for your networked production

Take it up a notch: Together with our team of experts, you will design the plan for your individualized, networked sheet metal production. The result: you will have a finished layout including a concept for implementation in your hands.

Your smart factory is created

Now is the time to implement your factory of the future. We will work with you to create a step-by-step plan for expanding your technologies, automation and digital solutions including software.

Continuous change management

To ensure that you advance your processes sustainably, upon request we can provide you with ongoing support in transforming your production further. For example, when it comes to control of your production based on key figures, as well as shop floor management tailored to your needs.

Numbers you can count on


benefit from our experience in diverse consultation projects.


We work as experts locally and are part of an international network.


Process and industry knowledge meets cultural expertise.

When will you join us on the path to success?

Regardless of whether you have questions, ideas or a specific project in mind - use the power of our consulting service. 

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Continuous improvement in your sheet metal production

Put your processes into pole position – with production and costs firmly under control. This means sleeping peacefully at night and having enough energy for important things during the day. Sound good? Make it a reality with Smart Factory Consulting. We examine your processes with industry knowledge and expertise in lean business models. It is often small changes that result in a big impact. Everything with one goal in mind: processes that keep your operation running smoothly.  

Turn pain points into opportunities

Lean processes

Chaos arises on the shop floor when production is not process-controlled. The result is poor machine utilization and excessive costs. There is a lack of transparency and planning reliability. In order to make your processes efficient and profitable, we examine fundamental questions and define clear processes: How does the material get to the right place? How do orders get from one work station to the next?  

Time for the implementation

In the hectic day-to-day routine of production, there is often simply not enough time to systematically eliminate problem areas. Establish a culture of continuous improvement with our support: We start by bringing the time and the necessary experience on board. Once the methods and key figures for your shop floor management have been established, you can use them to keep your production on track. 

Integration in follow-up processes

Planning sheet metal processing requires a great deal of expertise. How do you efficiently integrate the new machine or system into your existing production? As your copilot, we accompany you continuously and explore the best route for you. In doing so, we also show where you stand compared to the competition and what opportunities arise from this. Benefit from sheet metal processing expertise plus best practice experience. 

Optimize processes: with us as a copilot at your side

Lean Management & Improved processes
Process integration for equipment
Digital shop floor management
Sustainability & Energy Management

Your process optimization - Our solutions

Lean Management & Improved processes

Order is half the battle – this also applies to your processes. We take a close look at your production, uncover potential for improvement and provide lean management methods with which you can quickly exploit this potential. In doing so, ,we pose practical questions: Where are you wasting time unnecessarily? Which stock levels are ideal? Do you have enough storage space? Daily routines often help to achieve more transparency and control in your production. This puts your mind at ease and provides you with knowledge based on hard data: the shop is running smoothly. 

Process integration for equipment

Use the full potential of your new investment: With us as a copilot at your side, you can integrate your new machine or system into the existing production environment in the best possible way. In this way you can reduce your part costs, increase output and gain transparency.

Shop floor management

Master agile production with routines for managing your shop floor: By determining and using the right key figures, you gain transparency - and thus the best foundation for making well-founded decisions on a daily basis.  And all of this with the involvement of your employees -  because after all they are the ones who bring life to the processes.

Sustainability & Energy Management

Sustainability is not an end unto itself, but a key to your competitive production. We take a close look at your processes and systems and identify the right adjustments to be made - so that you need fewer raw materials, energy and consumables. And can thereby save costs.

What are our customers concerned with in terms of sustainability?

"I don't have an overview of my production."

"The company and the tasks are becoming overwhelming."

"My production is not running smoothly, where do I begin?"

Are you ready to put your processes into the pole position?

Talk to us about the potential of continuous improvement for your sheet metal processing.  

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A clear path to your digital production

Digital processes make sheet metal processing companies more competitive when these processes are precisely tailored to their production. As Smart Factory Consultants from the sheet metal processing industry, we accompany you in this digital transformation. We analyze your current situation step by step, uncover potentials and identify the target situation. With external advice, you can resolve internal resistance - and establish digital processes that save you time and money. 

Turn pain points into opportunities

Clarity on the shop floor

Does your team waste too much time searching for sheet metal and orders? We can help you create an overview of the shop floor: We optimize your processes and support you in the next step of digitalizing these processes. 

No dependence on personnel

Many businesses come to standstill without a few subject matter experts. A case of illness or indeed a resignation can quickly become a disaster. With digital processes, you eliminate this dependency and make production-related expertise accessible. 

Resolve internal resistance

"We've always done it this way." New ideas are often met with resistance in the company. Get support in-house: With moderation and best practice examples, you can convince employees to work toward common goals. 

Get started digitally: with us as your copilot at your side

Process analysis & Digitalization strategy
Production planning
Paperless production control
Digital shop floor logistics

Your digital production - Our solutions

Process analysis

A chaotic process doesn't improve through digitalization. For this reason, analysis comes before digitalization. We look at your processes with a trained eye and analyze how they can be made simpler. After tidying up, digitalization begins: We will show you where digitalization makes  sense for your company or is even unavoidable.

Production planning

With digital production planning like Oseon, you can keep your sheet metal processing flowing. It automatically installs rush orders, monitors your delivery dates and controls machine utilization. You receive the software in the Go, Grow and Flow versions – corresponding to your situation. And it can be expanded at any time. According to the motto “As much as necessary, as simple as possible”, we recommend the right building blocks for you and provide you with support during the installation. 

Paperless production control

Are your printers running at full speed and are you spending a lot of time sorting order papers, technical drawings and setup plans? Oseon digitally maps the flow of information seamlessly between work preparation and production. We design the processes with you so that employees have the relevant information for their tasks at hand, even without paper - and as less paper is used, the risk of errors also decreases.  

Digital shop floor logistics

Do you always want to have the right material in the right place, at the right time? To ensure this is successful, we analyze your current logistics processes and identify the ideal material flow – including stores and buffers. In doing so we also evaluate technologies such as AGVs (automated guided vehicle systems), QR code scanners or automated material bookings. All with one goal in mind: A synchronous order and material flow that alleviates your stress and saves you time and money. 

What are our customers concerned with in terms of digitalization?

"Everyone is talking about digitalization, but how do we start implementing it in sheet metal processing?"

“What used to work analogue no longer works today.”

"We can operate machines, but we can't digitalize the processes."

When will you give the green light for digitalizing your production?

Talk to us about the potential for more digitalization in your sheet metal processing.

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Factory plan for your smart factory

Regardless of whether you would like to implement changes to your existing sheet metal processing, plan a new hall or develop a completely new production – we are at your side from the initial idea to implementation, while providing you with an experienced copilot at your side. At Smart Factory Consulting we handle factory planning for sheet metal processing on a daily basis. Thanks to this unique mix of technology options and factory planning, you can optimally design your entire production. Set a course with an experienced copilot who can contribute the time and expertise for implementing change.

Turn pain points into opportunities

So that a lack of capacity no longer slows you down

Are you experiencing growth, but keeping the handbrake on due to a lack of machines or resources? Are you declining orders or handing them over to market competitors? Steer your production on a growth path with a sheet metal-savvy partner. We start by analyzing potentials and show you how you can put the pedal to the metal for your production. Next, we design the machinery, layout and resources in a way that ensures long-term and sustainable growth. 

Say goodbye to a lack of skilled workers and fluctuation

Do you want to move forward - but a lack of staff is slowing your growth? Are you losing manpower and valuable expertise due to fluctuation and retirement? We show you which solutions - from process optimization, digitalization and automation - can strengthen your company's resilience. So that you get more out of your production with your existing team.

Start-to-finish success for your factory plan

You can control your existing operation from the FF - but it's not every day that you plan a new factory. As Smart Factory Consultants, we know all relevant factors and logical approaches from numerous projects. Use our many years of experience and our expert knowledge to make your factory plan a success from the start.  

Approach factory planning with us as a copilot at your side

Technology & Automation Options
Definition of the production system
Factory layout for greenfield and brownfield strategies
Implementation strategy

Your factory plan – Our solutions

Technology & Automation Options

Are your components better suited for punching than laser cutting? Are unmanned shifts on autopilot worthwhile? How do you achieve more output with the same number of employees? What are the most economical means of production? To provide viable answers, we analyze your parts portfolio and evaluate which machines and which level of automation are ideal. When evaluating your production we do not limit ourselves to “blue” technologies.

Definition of the production system

What does your ideal production system look like? On the one hand, it is important to get the right systems and automation on board. On the other hand, the appropriate production strategies and principles are crucial. We support you in accordance with lean principles and consider all questions during the course of the project. This ensures that people, systems and automation are integrated into a holistic production system - at a turbocharged level. 

Factory layout for greenfield and brownfield strategies

First we analyze the routing of your material. Based on this, we design the optimal material flow and the perfect layout for your machines and stores. We plan the entire interior operation of your new production hall (greenfield) as well as your existing production facilities (brownfield). This gives you free rein for an optimal production environment.  

Implementation strategy

The layout is ready and our investment calculation has met your approval – now it’s time to implement the plan. A sophisticated step-by-step plan ensures that the changeover and start-up of your new or restructured sheet metal factory runs smoothly - all while sustaining production at full  speed.

What are our customers' concerns when it comes to factory planning and growth?

"I can't find qualified people."

"In order to continue to grow, we need a well-conceived structure."

"I don't want to have to take care of every issue myself."

Ensure start-to-finish success for your factory plan

As a copilot, we support you from the idea phase to the implementation of your smart sheet metal production.

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As your copilot, we support you in strategic decisions

In the face of major challenges, the resulting opportunities often go unnoticed. Together we harness these opportunities and develop a clear strategy for your smart factory - holistic, focused, and realizable step by step. Would you like to free yourself from concerns about the shortage of skilled workers and supply chains? Do you want to grow or make your business ironclad? Then now is the right time for a consultation with independent sheet metal experts. 

Turn pain points into opportunities

Time for strategy

In everyday production there is hardly any time for strategic decisions. There is a lack of clear visions and goals for the future. Which production strategies do you want to rely on? Get a professional outside perspective with Smart Factory Consulting. We work together to develop your vision for the future, thereby deriving quantified goals - for a strategy that takes you to the top.  

Reduce investment risk

Whether you are building a new production hall or investing in a new machine, doubts often remain in the back of your mind as to whether the investment will pay off. During the investment and break-even analyses, we perform careful calculations and take internal and external influencing factors into account. This enables you to substantiate your chances of success with concrete numbers.

Sheet metal processing: Make-or-buy

Rising cost pressure is causing problems for companies. How do you become more independent of suppliers? Is in-house production worthwhile? And what kind of machinery would be needed for this? Together we will evaluate the economic viability, opportunities and risks of your options. With our knowledgeable sheet metal consultants, you will make a decision that will lead straight to the winner's circle. 

Launching into the future: with us as a copilot at your side

Investment & Break-Even Analysis
Site selection & production networks
Make-or-Buy Analysis
Strategic company focus

Your strategic focus - Our solutions

Investment & Break-Even Analysis

Will adopting a new technology be worthwhile? When is a new building worthwhile? What is the minimum sales volume at which you can produce profitably? We support you in answering strategic questions by calculating the capital required for investments in new machines or a new factory. When conducting the investment and break-even analyses, we look at your company and the entire market. To provide a secure basis for decision-making, we also take your current and future production goals and cost structures into account.  

Site selection & establishing production networks

Which location choice will give you an edge in the future? We use qualitative and quantitative criteria to determine the optimal location for your future sheet metal and/or tube production. As a copilot, we support you in setting up production networks and identifying possible centers of excellence. To ensure smooth implementation, we develop and implement cross-location standards. 

Make-or-Buy Analysis

In-house production or outsourcing is a strategic decision. For this, we analyze your components and check whether it is worthwhile for you to manufacture them yourself. When it comes to the issue of make-or-buy, the long-term orientation of your business counts more than short-term cost advantages. Other influencing factors include quality and reputation, the risk of knowledge attrition, and the degree of flexibility. Independence from the supply chain is often a strong argument for in-house production. 

Strategic company focus

Which target industries are you focused on? What does your  vertical range of manufacture ideally look like in the future? What  technologies will you rely on? When strategically  aligning your company, we develop a growth strategy  that fits your business and changing market conditions . This will put you on the fast track.

What are our customers concerned with in terms of sustainability?

"I need support in implementing the established goals."

"The competition is tough, I have to lower my costs."

"I want to make the best possible use of my machines."

Set a course with us for your future success

Talk to us about the potential of strategically aligning your sheet metal processing.  

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Our customers' Smart Factory success stories

Autz + Hermann

By implementing the fully automated TruBend Center 7020 panel bender from TRUMPF, Autz + Herrmann was able to overcome capacity bottlenecks and increase productivity, strengthening its leading role in forming technology.

Arcas Ollé

The safe manufacturer Arcas Ollé manufactures tailor-made products for their customers, relying on an innovative and flexible production with TRUMPF bending machines and laser systems. 


The more orders that came into AutoLink, the more internal processes slowed down the job shop. The company is hitting the ground running again with a move to a new production and TRUMPF Smart Factory consulting.


The efficiency of DAX MetallForm has increased significantly with fully automated, route- and time-optimized planning of material movement combined with automated parts transport with automated guided vehicle systems.

CEO of the FBT company

Being able to produce faster and more flexibly was the goal of the Brandenburg-based contract manufacturer. The solution: step-by-step adaptation of their in-house production to Industry 4.0 standards. The initial results? Impressive!

H.K. Heun

A holistic solution from TRUMPF paves the way for a successful future for the HEUN Group. 

CEO of the Knoll company

Knoll Maschinenbau started planning for the future early and took all possible opportunities to gain sufficient storage capacity to meet future requirements and increase productivity. This foresight paid off.

CEO of the Lasercor company

The Lasercor job shop took the first steps towards the IoT with a Smart Factory consultation on networked production. TRUMPF experts discovered potentials that provided a real boost, requiring only minimum effort.


Felipe González wants Lasertek to become a pioneering company for the manufacture and assembly of metal parts. That's why TRUMPF is his trusted and reliable partner for automation, software and Smart Factory solutions.


Thanks to an optimum material flow, perfect machine utilization and reduced system setup times, the manufacture of products by Loka is smart, efficient and future-proof. Highly profitable!


Randon has networked five TruLaser machines and six TruBend bending machines with a fully automated STOPA storage system. The company manages 80 percent of their trailer production with this new production system.

Mr Riguzzi and TRUMPF staff

The metal construction company Riguzzi in Felben has managed to network and digitize its internal processes smoothly. The main key to success: software and a combination of different TRUMPF machines.


To maintain his lead in the edging profile business sector, CEO Thomas Goswin is aiming to create further growth with automation. A new production site for automated production is to be developed for this purpose.

Colleagues in front of a miniature model of production

Major orders that can't be fulfilled due to a lack of resources? This is simply not an option for the Chinese company SNBC! With the help of TRUMPF, the company constructed a fully automated Smart Factory in record time.

TRUMPF Smart Factory
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