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TruLaser Station 7000 laser welding automotive application

Power electronics

Creating contacts and connections with TRUMPF lasers

TRUMPF facilitates a multitude of applications within the production of control and regulation assemblies and power converters. For hardly any other tool is better than the laser for processing these intricate and sensitive components for electric cars. Our laser sources are under constant further development, contributing to the improvement of specific joining results, for example in pinpoint contacting in complex and thermally sensitive electronic components. Furthermore, industrially mature high-power lasers with visible wavelengths help ensure that copper contacts in electric cars can be processed more productively and with almost no spatter, also due to their high absorption characteristics.

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Laser welding in power electronics: the three most important applications at a glance

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Power electronics in e-mobility: what advantages are there to laser welding?

You can weld contacts and copper connections with no contact and pin-point precision. You benefit from the defined energy input and can rely on reproducible process results. TRUMPF provides the laser source, sensor system and optics from a single source – offering a customized, turnkey complete package for every welding application in the area of power electronics.

You are flexible as you can easily process different applications with the same tool – and you can also weld remotely with our programmable focusing optics of the PFO range. TRUMPF also has a unique selling point in the market with the green laser for copper welding.

An overview of our solutions for applications in power electronics

Green laser

Our newly developed beam source with visible green wavelength – whether pulsed or continuous wave – welds copper connections with minimum heat input, high reproducibility and with almost no spatter.

TruDisk lasers for IGBT boards

The BrightLine Weld option for TruDisk lasers offers the option of virtually spatter-free welding, great welding depth with a high feed rate as well as outstanding beam quality.

Programmable focusing optics PFO

Benefit from our optics for remote welding: using mirrors, the laser beam can be quickly positioned in any specified position within the processing field, or be guided along any path to create different seam geometries.

VisionLine for geometry recognition

TRUMPF image processing detects characteristics on components and ensures that welding is always implemented at the correct location. The operator no longer has to reprogram each weld seam individually with this solution.

White paper

We have compiled white papers with interesting topics for you

PDF - 451 KB
Laser welding cast aluminum
Multifocus optics, developed by TRUMPF specifically for this application, combined with BrightLine Weld, make possible that which was previously impossible: welding aluminum cast containers with lasers so that they are gas-tight – a quick and process-reliable procedure, even in large batch numbers.
PDF - 656 KB
New developments in laser welding of copper contacts, power electronics, and control units in the field of electromobility
The application results are also improved due to the continuous further development of the beam sources. For example, industrial-grade lasers with a green wavelength and sufficient power enable copper contacts to be processed more productively and practically without any spatter in the field of electromobility. In our white paper you can read more about the latest developments and the numerous possible applications in electromobility.
PDF - 1 MB
Laser structuring of copper busbars: Reduce your electrical losses in seconds
Efficiency is crucial in the world of electromobility. Small details like copper contacts can have a significant impact on the range and performance of electric vehicles. Conventional bolting methods lead to high contact resistance and energy loss. But TRUMPF has the solution: special lasers are used to precisely structure copper busbars, remove old oxide layers and create a new protective layer. The result? Significant reduction in losses and huge potential for increasing the efficiency of e-mobility worldwide.

TRUMPF as your partner

Solutions for electromobility

Whether a green laser with green wavelength, BrightLine Weld or special sensor systems – TRUMPF offers countless innovative manufacturing solutions for power electronics in electric cars.

Laser-optimized construction and planning

As well as the laser source, you will also receive the corresponding consultation services for innovative welding solutions from TRUMPF, for example when welding copper hairpins.

TRUMPF – committed to innovation

We see ourselves as your application consultant and enabler for new production opportunities. You benefit from our consolidated industrial expertise and our decades of experience as a laser manufacturer.

Established globally, active locally

Take advantage of a consultation by our experts and our worldwide service network. Whether you need service or application development – we are where you are.

Your challenge - our solution: contact our industry experts

TRUMPF Laser Application Center Ditzingen
  • Are you facing new challenges when joining different materials in power electronics?
  • Would you like to optimize your components and reduce production costs at the same time?
  • Are you interested in a basic feasibility test and would like to know how to substitute production processes by using lasers?

Using your actual component, our industry experts and application engineers will support you during application development and optimization in the Laser Applications Center – with our extensive portfolio of versatile laser processing systems. We would love to welcome you to our TRUMPF Laser Applications Center in Ditzingen - spanning an area of over 4,000 m², it is one of the largest laser application centers in the world.

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TruDisk with green wavelength

With the TruDisk green continuous wave laser, you can produce copper weld seams of the highest quality, in a process that is practically spatter-free and has a high reproducibility rate. Find out more about the tried and tested TruDisk disk laser technology with green laser light, its advantages and possible applications.

Processing optics

As a result of their modular system, TRUMPF processing optics can be adjusted to suit different applications and spatial conditions.

Welding copper

High-strength connections which are also entirely reproducible and have high conductivity can be achieved with non-contact tools.

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