3D-Darstellung von Metallbiegematrizen und Werkzeugen für die Blechbearbeitung vor einem blau-grünen Hintergrund

BendGuide: Exclusive bending technology knowledge

The BendGuide comprises exclusive knowledge from decades of bending technology experience.
Whether it is used as a reference or to develop your knowledge in the long-term: The BendGuide will help you to implement your specific bend requirements.
Our web application includes basic knowledge, practical illustrative examples including images and videos on special applications, and step-by-step instructions.
The associated app can also be used for specific calculations.

An overview of your benefits

Always the right solution

Large selection of special bending technology applications that have already been implemented

Exploit the full potential

Calculations of the limit values for your bending tools

Latest bending technology developments

Continuously and efficiently improve your knowledge about bending technology free of charge

Access BendGuide online

Discover the possibilities of bending technology! We support your component design with our free web application.

Calculate bending parameters quickly and simply


Use the TRUMPF BendGuide to calculate key bending parameters quickly and simply:

  • Press force calculation
  • Press force table
  • Nesting height
  • Flange length
  • Die width
  • Open-height check
  • Inner radius
  • Sheet thickness conversion
  • Tool weight calculation
  • Sheet metal weight calculation

Download the app

In the "More" menu item, you can convert the units of measurement from metric to the Anglo-American system.
Simply send us your questions directly in the app.

Google Play

The BendGuide app is available free of charge for Android.

Apple App Store

The BendGuide app is available free of charge for iOS.

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