BrightLine Speed – Fast-lane laser cutting

Maximum productivity with minimum space – that is your challenge. With our solution, you increase productivity and process robustness in laser cutting, while significantly lowering gas consumption at the same time. This boosts your personal competitiveness considerably – and all that with an improved COfootprint. This will elevate you to the next level of 3D laser cutting in hotforming.

Faster, more robust and more economical thanks to BrightLine Speed

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higher cutting speed
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less cutting gas consumption
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better process robustness

The solution: BrightLine Speed

A laser with a greater than standard beam quality is used for BrightLine Speed. In addition, the laser is equipped with a wedge beam switch to generate special power distribution between the core and the ring in the patented 2in1 optical laser cable. Influencing factors which before had seemed conflicting are now combined thanks to the completely altered power distribution. They elevate the process to a new, application-specific level.

Your machine for BrightLine Speed

TruLaser Cell 8030, tried, tested and now improved even further

We are rethinking highly productive 3D laser cutting with BrightLine Speed.
Never before has 3D laser cutting been so good, economical and safe.
Find out all the details on our TruLaser Cell 8030 with BrightLine Speed right here.

Find out more


BrightLine Speed flyer
231 KB
BrightLine Speed flyer

Faster, more robust and more economical thanks to BrightLine Speed