TRUMPF lightweight construction q-pro a

Lightweight design in electromobility

Challenge: material range

More and more diverse materials are being used in lightweight design cars today. The industry is especially concerned with one question: how to connect – and separate – all these different materials? The laser is predestined for lightweight designs from different materials and for flexible production processes. Thanks to accurate and precise production, considerable savings can be made in terms of material and therefore also of weight during the manufacture of the automobile body – and without using additional tools.

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Laser-welded door for top safety at a low weight
Laser welding door and window frames

TRUMPF lasers weld door and window frames elegantly and effectively in a way that saves material. They can also be used for the optimum insertion of reinforcement plates. We offer our customers solutions in this area which considerably reduce the number of process steps and the lengths of the process chains. For example, TRUMPF lasers set weld points and seams with flexibility in every shape and direction. Material, weight and costs are saved due to the more narrow flanges on the doors.

Joining hybrid connections
Laser processing B-pillars

In order to design vehicle bodies so they are increasingly lightweight, but still safer, structural components are increasingly produced by means of hot forming. 3D laser cutting machines give these high-tensile components their final contour.
As a flexible tool, the laser is also used for the local softening of press-hardened structural parts, This enables downstream joining or reforming steps as well as improved crash performance.

TRUMPF lasers in the production of electric cars
Entire vehicle

Lightweight design in the automotive sector is based on many new materials, compounds and the use of aluminum. TRUMPF has the optimum laser source and the corresponding expertise for all these materials and their processing procedures. Our application engineers in the TRUMPF Laser Applications Center will always find the correct parameters for your concrete application.

Future project: metal-plastic connections (MPC)

TRUMPF lightweight construction q-pro a

Metal and plastic connections are created by pressing or back injection molding a pre-structured metallic mating part with the plastic. The laser plays a decisive role in this process. It creates microstructures in the metallic mating part with undercuts which facilitate the plastic gripping into the metallic surface. The high intensity of the laser radiation causes some of the metal to evaporate. Due to the emerging sublimation pressure, the melt is pressed against the structure edge by the substrate where the melt solidifies. An undercut is formed by multiple repetition. A connection is achieved in the subsequent joining process with the plastic partner by gripping into the microstructure.

The actual joining process is performed by heating up the metal and melting the plastic via heat conduction. The plastic is pressed or injected into the microstructure and solidifies. TRUMPF is involved in publicly funded projects, such as ExraLight or Q-PRO, for the development of a quality-assured production process for multi-material lightweight technology which is compatible for large-scale production.

Laser surface technologies for pretreatment processes

TRUMPF application laser cleaning example

Welding and adhesive bonding technologies require clean surfaces. Surface cleaning before welding or adhesive bonding is very flexible using a laser. TRUMPF offers cleaning solutions for removing unwanted and non-functioning layers. This includes rust, oxides, oil, grease or silicone, among others. It is possible to process the most varied of geometries with TruMicro lasers, the corresponding scanner optics and TruMark lasers. Laser cleaning is localized at the seam point and replaces expensive, high-maintenance wash applications. The laser process can be easily integrated into automated production lines.

TRUMPF Anwendung Powertrain Stator
Ablation/paint stripping

TRUMPF lasers remove functional layers to achieve a clean surface for welding or adhesive bonding, without affecting the base material. In order to prepare hairpin welding, for example, our customers use TRUMPF short-pulse lasers that ablate the layer of insulating paint, without damaging the copper underneath it. While welding the hairpins, an intelligent sensor system ensures precise seams and top quality. TRUMPF lasers are also used to strip cataphoretic paint or zinc coatings.

TRUMPF Laserstrukturieren

During structuring, the laser creates regularly arranged geometries in the layer or in the base material, so that the technical characteristics are changed in a targeted manner and a new functionality is developed. One example: scoring or applying small (oil) depressions for defined sliding properties. The individual element of such a structure is often just a few micrometers in size. Short laser pulses with very high pulse power generate such high energy densities that the material usually evaporates immediately (sublimation). Each laser pulse produces a small depression, melt is predominately prevented.

Structuring surfaces with the TruMicro Series 7000

Why TRUMPF is your perfect partner

Experience as a laser pioneer

TRUMPF has the optimum laser source and corresponding expertise for the most varied of materials and hybrid connections. Our application engineers always develop the correct parameters for your concrete application in the TRUMPF Laser Applications Center.

Large-scale production solution

Cleaning, stripping and structuring – TRUMPF facilitates a comprehensive networked solution for all individual tasks, enabling seamless component traceability as well as a barrier-free development for the consolidated process chain.

Process advice and support from TRUMPF experts

Does every new beginning have to be difficult? Not with TRUMPF. The TRUMPF industry experts know how your start-up expenditures can be reduced: they are at your side with a thorough and customized process and application consulting service.

Manufacturing and documentation with process reliability

With its comprehensive system and software solutions, TRUMPF offers the opportunity of process-reliable production and seamless documentation of the production history. Our TruConnect product portfolio offers solutions for comprehensive interlinking and Condition Monitoring.

Tackling the challenges of e-mobility together

Would you like to know how we can provide your production with optimum support on your path to electromobility? Make an appointment directly with our internationally active branch managers. They are happy to advise you concerning our customized complete packages and facilitate new production technologies for the new mobility.

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