Article collection for EUV lithography

In the media: EUV lithography

The extreme ultraviolet radiation (EUV) for wafer exposure is undoubtedly the topic of the future in the chip industry. No wonder, then, that not only the specialized journals, but also the general press regularly devote themselves to this topic and closely follow the development of the technology. You will find a compilation of some national and international highlight articles on this page.

Die Schwaben spielen eine entscheidende Rolle im globalen Chipgeschäft

Dieser Bericht des Handelsblatts ist anlässlich der im Mai 2019 veranstalteten, gemeinsamen Pressereise von TRUMPF, Zeiss und ASML entstanden. Die Autoren beleuchten die Zusammenarbeit der Partner, zeichnen die Entwicklung von EUV nach und geben mit Zitaten, unter anderem von Peter Leibinger, Chief Technologie Officer bei TRUMPF, Einblicke in das Potenzial der Zukunftstechnologie.

Quelle: Handelsblatt
Autor: Martin-W. Buchenau, Joachim Hofer
Erscheinungsdatum: 05/2019
Link: zum Artikel

ASML's EUV systems pattern new Samsung and TSMC chips

Die News auf berichtet, dass trotz zunehmender, makroökonomischer Unsicherheiten die Nachfrage nach Lithografiesystemen von ASML konstant bleibt. Schlüsselkunden wie Samsung und TSMC geben ihre Pläne für den Einsatz von EUV-Systemen in der zukünftigen Produktion von Chips bekannt. Diese werden für neue Anwendungen in den Bereichen 5G, künstliche Intelligenz, Hochleistungsrechnen und Automotive dringend gebraucht – wie Charlie Bae von Samsung schon lange vorhergesagt hat.

Autor: n.N.
Erscheinungsdatum: 04/2019
Link: zum Artikel

Samsung's 5-nm EUV process technology is ready

In this article, author Marc Sauter reports that Samsung Foundry has completed  development on the 5-nm process technology with extreme ultra-violet radiation (EUV), and will be accepting customer orders immediately. This new process allows a 25% increase in transistor density, while the chips exhibit a power input that is 20% lower, and a processing power that is 10% higher.

Author: Marc Sauter
Release date: 04/2019
Link: to the article

Samsung manufactures 7-nanometre chips using EUV exposure units

In this article, reports that Samsung started production at its first factory dedicated to 7 nm in the fall of 2018, where it exposes wafers using ASML's EUV lithography system. Source:
Author: Nico Ernst
Publication date: 10/2018
Link: to the article

Ahead of the curve

The TRUMPF annual report for 2017/2018 highlights how the control of light – including lasers and EUV lithography – provides the basis for future technologies such as artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and networked factories.

Source: TRUMPF annual report for fiscal year 2017/2018
Author: TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG
Publication date: 10/2018
Link: to the article

Availability of EUV scanners increased to 85 percent

The article on announces that ASML has improved its NXW:3400B systems so significantly that cost and time-efficient series production with extreme ultraviolet radiation is within reach. Source:
Author: Marc Sauter
Publication date: 07/2018
Link: to the article

The secret of EUV generation

In this article, LaserFocusWorld traces development of EUV technology over more than twenty years and describes the numerous hurdles and challenges that had to be overcome before the breakthrough in 2015.

Source: LaserFocusWorld
Author: Andreas Thoss
Publication date: 11/2017
Link: to the article

TRUMPF consolidates EUV lithography supply chain with Access Laser deal

This report in the trade journal "Produktion" deals with the majority takeover of Access by TRUMPF. As a manufacturer of low-power CO2 lasers, Access Laser is one of the most important partners in TRUMPF's EUV business. Source:
Author: anonymous
Publication date: 10/2017
Link: to the article

TRUMPF aims to stimulate the chip industry

The Stuttgarter Zeitung (a regional German newspaper) reports on how TRUMPF entered the semi-conductor industry as a supplier with its laser amplifier and founded a new subsidiary for the business. Source: Stuttgarter Zeitung
Author: Michael Heller
Release date: 05/2017
Link: to the article

EUV has arrived in IC production

The article in the weekly electronics magazine "Markt&Technik" summarizes the current and planned turnover and sales figures for ASML. These show that EUV lithography has finally arrived on the industrial stage. Source: Markt&Technik
Author: Heinz Arnold
Publication date: 07/2017
Link: to the article

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Exceptional reliability, even when the going gets tough – TruFlow CO2 lasers from TRUMPF can be found cutting and welding in production halls across the globe.

Visual electronics

From laser processing to crystal growing, TRUMPF supplies the basic technology required to produce powerful semi-conductors in the electronics industry.

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High-power laser systems for EUV lithography