Consulting and training for additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing consultancy along the entire process chain

Getting started with the technology, identifying and developing suitable components or optimizing your production – at TRUMPF Additive Manufacturing (AM) you can always rely on competent support along the entire additive manufacturing process chain.
We provide a wide range of training and consulting services to enable you to quickly learn and apply new methods, thus optimally preparing you for the additive manufacturing of components.
We help you to become more economical and efficient and to achieve higher quality.

Identify your potential

Find out more about laser metal fusion (LMF) and powder bed fusion (PBF) technology and incorporate additive manufacturing expertise into your business. Identify initial uses where the potential of additive manufacturing components can be leveraged to create a business case for cost-effective production.

  • Learning the production basics
  • Identifying parts together
  • Manufacturability analysis and business case evaluation

Customer example of part identification

After analyzing the cutting properties of a 2D laser machine, diode cooling was identified as a component requiring optimization.

Added value from metal 3D printing

  • Improved cooling
  • Component reduction through function integration
  • Simplified assembly
  • Weight reduction

Contact our additive manufacturing experts!

Complete the request form now to secure a personal consultation on additive manufacturing. Our experts will be happy to support you.

Standardised training courses

The training courses we offer will help you to develop your skills in specific areas. The courses provide you with the necessary LMF technology expertise and include practical applications. We offer training on a wide range of process chain topics such as component design, data preparation, system operation, monitoring and quality assurance. The training courses take place in our training center in Ditzingen, as well as online or on-site when required.

Individual consultation

We provide personalized support to help you get started in additive manufacturing. The focus is always on your company and your application. The aim is to quickly and efficiently provide you with know-how and to get you started with your components. We manufacture your individual additive manufacturing components for you so that you can better assess the quality and advantages of the LMF process for your application. The duration and scope of the project depends on your requirements and is agreed with you individually. Whether you want to set up your own production or use a service provider to do the manufacturing – our experts will be available to support you.

White paper for you

A process parameter analysis of 3D printed applications with green laser light.


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Get inspired by example parts!

Are you looking for suggestions for components that can be manufactured efficiently with TRUMPF machine tools and laser systems? Here you will find sample parts from practical applications, filtered by various parameters such as industries and materials.

Additive Manufacturing Showroom

The Additive Manufacturing Showroom on the TRUMPF Campus in Ditzingen, Germany, offers a live insight into additive manufacturing using laser metal fusion and laser metal deposition, as well as clear industry applications and success stories from our customers – with direct advice from our experts included.


Do you want to use your TruPrint systems for production that requires certification? Our experts provide support for "Installation Qualification" (IQ) with an enhanced, standards-based installation process.

Service & contact
Beratung für die additive Fertigung
Training courses Find out more
Monitoring & analysis Find out more
Technical Service Find out more
Service agreements Find out more
Qualification support IQ/OQ Find out more