Industrial part and powder management
Industrial part and powder management
Additive production system

Industrial part and powder management

Optimal powder handling for maximum productivity

Additive production system

Industrial part and powder management

TruPrint 2000 with powder preparation station

TruPrint components for powder and parts handling

Optimal handling of the powder and components is crucial for additive series production on an industrial scale. The industrial part and powder management from TRUMPF enables you to increase productivity and profitability in your production operations as setup and powder removal on one or more TruPrint machines can be performed parallel to production.

You benefit from the highest possible degree of flexibility due to the modular construction and the use of standard interfaces. Central components are powder removal/depowdering stations, sieving/powder preparation stations and powder silos.

These components can be operated simultaneously for multiple machines and used to complement TruPrint series machines as well as your entire industrial production line. As a result, you can easily set up powder, build, and parts processes to run in parallel.

High productivity

Setup and powder removal are performed parallel to production, which increases productivity and profitability.

Clean production

The closed powder circuit ensures a clean, safe production environment at all times

Short throughput times

Benefit from the high degree of automation and high outputs, even when handling large powder volumes.

Great flexibility

With the modular construction and the use of standard interfaces, you benefit from utmost flexibility for your production operations.

Powder handling under shielding gas

The inert powder handling meets increased requirements when it comes to quality and the obligation to provide proof.

Industrial part and powder management for TruPrint machines from TRUMPF
Using the exchangeable cylinder principle, you can reduce the downtime and non-productive time of your additive production system, while increasing your productivity at the same time.
Our quick-change build and powder cylinders shorten setup times while increasing productivity and machine utilization. This is achieved by the still hot components cooling down outside the machine in closed cylinders under shielding gas in a cooling station.
Modular system for industrial additive manufacturing using TRUMPF products from part and powder management
Modular system for your TruPrint machines

All industrial part and powder management components can be combined as part of a modular system. This means you can combine the ideal machine and components to ensure reliable powder and parts handling (including optional shielding gas) in your specific industrial production scenario. We would be glad to help you select the most suitable TruPrint machines and versions of the various industrial part and powder management products.

Processes that run in parallel due to industrial part and powder management from TRUMPF
Run your processes in parallel

You can easily set up powder, build, and parts processes to run in parallel. The industrial part and powder process components are based on a closed powder circuit. This means you have a clean and safe production environment, and also save time.

Separation of building and powder processes

Benefit from safe handling due to the simple separation of powder and production areas for your industrial series production. You can also use the components of the industrial part and powder management for several TruPrint machines.

Exchangeable cylinder principle on the TruPrint machines from TRUMPF
Exchangeable cylinder principle

Fully utilize your machine: As a result of the integrated exchangeable cylinder principle, your setup times are shorter, and you can increase your productivity at the same time. While the TruPrint machine prints parts, powder can be sieved into the supply cylinder and the build cylinder set up. Once the build job is complete, the build cylinder and supply cylinder are exchanged for the prepared cylinders – and the machine continues producing directly. The build cylinder is brought into the unpacking station with the components in the powder bed, and freed from the powder ergonomically there.

Double lid principle

Reduce time and costs due to a machine that ensures inert conditions end to end: Before the build/supply cylinder is removed, the cylinder is closed using the cylinder lid. So that the process chamber remains inert when opened and the cylinder is removed, another lid – the process chamber lid – is used to seal it. This means that production can continue directly once another cylinder has been brought in.

This product range and information may vary depending on the country. Subject to changes to technology, equipment, price, and range of accessories. Please get in touch with your local contact person to find out whether the product is available in your country.

  • in conjunction with vacuum conveyor
  • depending on the material
  • further mesh sizes on request (80 µm, 100 µm)
  • Permissible filled weight, tare weight 35 kg

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