TRUMPF employee with daughter
Social issues and the community

Education and research

As a high-tech company, we thrive on new stimuli. The catalyst for this: education and research. Find out how we are preparing our industry well for the future. 

Objectives & motivation
Supporting up-and-coming talent
Women in STEM professions
Education projects

Why do we invest in education and research?

We see education and research as the basis for technological progress and innovation in our company. As a family company, we take this responsibility seriously and support a variety of educational and research projects. This is also reflected in day-to-day operations – TRUMPF has had an extremely high research and development quota for many years, accounting for around 10% of sales. 

We promote educational equity.

A good education should not be a privilege, but should be accessible to everyone - regardless of gender or ethnic and social background.  

We inspire enthusiasm for STEM subjects.

We want to inspire young people's interest in IT, technology and entrepreneurship - free of gender stereotypes. 

We support entrepreneurship and future-oriented issues.

We want to support idea-generators through our commitment to education and research. In this way we make a contribution to the innovative power of Germany as a center of industry. 

We make a contribution with our commitment to research.

Our goal is not only to develop innovative and sustainable solutions, but also to use our industry expertise to strengthen Germany as a research hub.  

Funding application

TRUMPF also provides financial support for certain projects. If your project fits our areas of focus, send us a funding request. 

We support young, talented students at universities

Graduates at TRUMPF working together

We support subject-related higher education and training institutions financially and by providing teaching and training input. We conduct courses at higher education institutes, providing hands-on training in future technologies. In addition, we promote next-generation projects at institutions and associations, for example by financing scholarships. TRUMPF collaborates with institutes and industry partners in national and European support programs to work on the issues of the future, such as electromobility, quantum technology, or artificial intelligence.  

We want equal educational opportunities for all

We value educational equity regardless of socioeconomic background. This is why we initiate and support educational projects at every point in the academic career path. We also want to inspire girls and young women to become involved in STEM subjects in particular and develop their interest in technology. They should have the opportunity to express themselves according to their individual strengths and talents - regardless of stereotypical gender roles. 

We are partners for research and science

TRUMPF in science

With our activities in research and science, TRUMPF, as a high-tech company, is advancing sectors of the future such as electromobility, New Space, quantum technology and artificial intelligence. To this end, we act as an established partner for science and research. Our laser technology is used by universities and research institutes, such as the Fraunhofer Institute, in numerous projects ranging from basic research to application development. We also work continuously on the development of sustainable, digital and innovative future technologies and solutions for industrial production.  

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We are involved in these educational projects and initiatives

KiTec training project

KiTec – Children Exploring Technology

Children are fascinated by how technology works and try to understand this from an early age. The Wissensfabrik association (Knowledge Factory), which TRUMPF co-founded in 2005, is dedicated to this opportunity. The KiTec project, initiated by the Wissensfabrik, attempts to quench children's thirst for knowledge at an early age. How does this work? As "explorers", the children look for solutions to various problems themselves and thereby learn to understand technical concepts.  

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IT2School – Exploring IT Together

Digitalization is fundamentally changing and influencing our society. That's why it is all the more important to introduce children to IT topics early on in their education. The aim of the IT2School project is to inspire interest in IT professions as early as possible and to secure skilled workers for the future. IT2School is a German project that was initiated by "Wissensfabrik" and is run in collaboration with TRUMPF and various schools. In IT2School, students in grades four to ten are introduced to information technologies used in daily life, which helps them to understand and design them. The aim is to help children explore the basic themes of IT such as communication, data, programming language and the interaction of hardware and software in a playful context. 

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WECONOMY – the start-up competition for innovative and technology-oriented start-ups in Germany

WECONOMY is a platform for a professional exchange of ideas between founders and established entrepreneurs. The selected founders are given the opportunity to present their start-up idea to high-ranking business representatives and to share ideas and feedback with them as part of a one-year sponsorship program. With our involvement, we want to promote an entrepreneurial spirit and to strengthen the competitiveness of Germany as a center of industry in the long term.  

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Roland Berger Foundation – the German student scholarship for more educational equity

We support the Roland Berger Foundation's German Student Scholarship by taking over the costs of scholarships. The scholarships are used to support talented and hard-working students whose parents, for various reasons, do not have the resources to support their talent. The aim is a diploma guided by and oriented toward their talents.  

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View funding application
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