H.P. Kaysser GmbH + Co. KG


H.P. Kaysser GmbH from Nellmersbach near Stuttgart is a leading SME in the sheet metal processing sector. They have been using different types of laser machines since 1984. The company employs around 400 people and manufactures everything in-house, from the sheet through all the process chains to the finished, functional part. TRUMPF is not only H.P. Kaysser's largest supplier, with 80 different machine models in use, but has also been a development partner for many years.

Sheet metal processing
Number of employees
Leutenbach (Germany)

More orders, smaller quantities

The sheet metal processing SME H.P. Kaysser provides laser cutting and bending services on its online portal "laserteile4you". Customers generally order small series and expect immediate delivery. For the Swabian company's production, this means quick changeovers and greater complexity. H.P. Kaysser has found the optimum machine with the TruLaser Center 7030 as it not only operates highly productively and with process reliability, but most of all very independently.



In recent years, a clear trend has been detected with many job shoppers, for which H.P. Kaysser also had to find an answer: more orders with simultaneously decreasing lot sizes per order. The entire production planning has therefore become increasingly complex and dynamic. This requires machines that are highly productive, reliable and independent. Analyses by the company also concluded that a highly automated, high-output system would only make sense for H.P. Kaysser when automatically supplied with raw material via a storage connection. An inquiry from TRUMPF to test out the new TruLaser Center 7030 fully automatic laser machine therefore came at just the right time.

If the TruLaser Center 7030 is integrated correctly, it can produce parts in four to five different types of sheet metal every hour.

Thomas Kaysser
Managing Director

The TruLaser Center 7030 is perfectly suited for delicate materials. At first we had small lot sizes in mind, now we use it for medium-sized series from quantities of 100 with our storage capacity in mind.

Alexander Knauer

Solutions   To process a wide range of materials in small batches on a daily basis, automated raw material feeding via a storage connection was a key requirement for H.P. Kaysser. The optimal solution was found by working closely with TRUMPF. The existing STOPA storage system with 54 places was connected to the front of the TruCenter 7030 to integrate the machine onto the job floor in a value stream-optimized way.  


Implementation   H.P. Kaysser had two years as a test customer to thoroughly test the new full-service laser machine in operation. According to Managing Director Thomas Kaysser, it was the success of the storage connection that quickly generated enthusiasm for the system. Employees now work under less pressure, processes can be planned better in advance, and there is flexibility for including urgent orders. H.P. Kaysser uses the TruLaser Center 7030 primarily for stainless steel, aluminum and galvanized sheet metal in thicknesses of one to three millimeters. The machine has proven itself especially when working with sensitive materials. The company had initially planned for small batches, but today H.P. Kaysser uses the TruLaser Center 7030 for medium batches of 100 pieces or more according to storage facilities.


Outlook   Networked with eight other laser machines, the TruLaser Center 7030 fits perfectly into H. P. Kaysser's production chain.. With this investment, the management has taken a long-term decision: "The machine and its innovative concept will be with us into the next decade."

Find out more about our TruLaser Center 7030