Gas cooler with TPMS structure

General industry TruPrint Copper Additive manufacturing

Heat exchangers are often single parts that are designed to meet the requirements for heat transfer and ambient conditions. This gas cooler, designed by Modell- und Formenbau Blasius GERG GmbH, uses additive manufacturing options in combination with a planar design of triple periodic minimal structures (TPMS) to increase the efficiency. It is used in a wood-fired power plant to cool down the exhaust gases by exchanging heat with water and recovering and reusing the heat. The design combined with a high-performance material such as copper results in excellent performance. This part is made from pure copper using the TruPrint 5000 Green Edition. This is equipped with a green laser to machine this highly reflective material with the right tool. The material properties are the same as conventional pure copper ETP without the need for heat treatment (101% IACS electrical conductivity, 394 W/(m*K) thermal conductivity).

TPMS structures increase the efficiency of the heat transfer

Improved cooling
High conductivity
Flexible production

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Facts & figures about the example part

Material: pure copper

Created by: Blasius GERG GmbH

Find out more about the product

TruPrint 5000 Green Edition

The TruPrint 5000 Green Edition is the medium-format 3D printing system for processing reflective materials such as copper or precious metals. As such, the 3D printer opens up new opportunities for additive manufacturing of large components, induction coils or components for complex cooling applications, e.g. for power electronics and optoelectronics.

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