Custom pelvic bone implant

Medical technology & dentistry TruPrint Titanium Additive manufacturing

Additive manufacturing offers the perfect solution to create custom pelvic bone replacements. The integration of a specific surface design can further improve bone ingrowth and thus the clinical outcome.

Post-processed implant

Fusing in the pelvis

Fusing in the pelvis

Improved osseous integration
Perfect fit
Improved healing process
Finest structures

Get in touch with our 3D printing experts!

Do you have a component that you would like to 3D print? Would you like to know what potential savings there are, and what advantages you could benefit from with additive manufacturing? Then get in touch with us today to arrange an individual consultation with our experts.

Facts & figures about the example part

Material: Ti6Al4V ELI

Features:  Lattice structure | Custom implant

Created by: Peter Brehm

Find out more about the product

TruPrint 3000, flexible solution for industrial 3D printing
TruPrint 3000

TruPrint 3000 is a universal medium-format machine (LMF / PBF / LPBF) with Industrial Part and Powder Management. This mean you benefit from even more flexibility, quality and productivity for your additive series production – now also with the full-field multilaser option with two 500 watt lasers from TRUMPF. Productivity is almost doubled, independent of the component geometry, and the part costs are significantly decreased.

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