A cost-effective process for high-quality weld seams
The bevellers have proven themselves in machine, railway car, and ship construction, as well as in steel construction, in job shops for sheet metal processing and in metalworking shops. They ensure even, oxide-free and metallically smooth edges on flat sheet metal, tubes, interior cutouts, and curves.
No rework
With the beveler, you can prepare high-quality weld seams in a single operation.
Perfect results
Cutting edges free from emissions and oxides ensure metallically free K, V, X, and Y edges.
High-quality weld seams
Precise surface roughness and oxide-free surfaces guarantee highly durable weld connections.
Quick working speed
The beveler enables you to progress quickly with your work.
Long tool life
The cutting tools can be reground many times, and are exchanged without the need for additional tools.

Power tools catalog
pdf -
11 MB
TRUMPF general catalog
pdf -
8 MB