A digital art break for employees during the coronavirus pandemic

W orking from home means missing out on the fringe benefits of office life: lunch with colleagues, a chat during the coffee break. In times of lockdown and the isolation this brings, some people acutely feel the loss of personal contact and inspiration from colleagues. To provide some light relief and a shared experience, TRUMPF has therefore shifted its regular cultural event “art break” into the digital realm.

Art and culture are very much part of the scenery at TRUMPF. With its impressive collection of fine art, metal objects, photography and film, the company does all it can to provide an aesthetically pleasing and inspiring working environment. Indeed, this also extends to the architecture of company buildings and garden design. With “art break,” TRUMPF gives employees a regular opportunity to discuss over their lunch break a work of art with the artist or gallery owner at the TRUMPF Campus in Ditzingen. But how can such an event take place during lockdown?


Over a coffee: a TRUMPF employee working from home takes part in the digital art break. The digital art break is also enjoying increasing popularity as an interactive Instagram story, especially among young people.
© Vera Gergen

Transfer to the digital realm

Instead, art break now takes place online – on the intranet. The advantage of this is that company employees around the world can take part in this new digital event. Regardless of time and location, employees at all the company locations are able to learn more about featured artworks. Given that museums are currently closed and most cultural events canceled, this is a highlight that connects and inspires people.

Like the original art break, the digital version focuses on an individual artist, their life, their artistic style and their works in the TRUMPF collection. The artists are from all around the world – as are the people taking part in this event. Each artist answers five questions about their understanding of art, the creative process and their sources of inspiration. In addition, a short video clip shows where the artworks can be seen at TRUMPF.

Alpine scenes by Peter Mathis

In keeping with the season, the current digital art break is dedicated to the Austrian photographer Peter Mathis and his images of alpine scenes. This short video shows where Mathis’ works are hung at TRUMPF and how they look in situ:

© Julien Gergen, Patrick Künstle/TRUMPF
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