For sheet metal experts and laser specialists: magazines from TRUMPF

Trends, future technologies, new solutions and experiences from actual users. You can read all of this in the magazines TRUe and Laser Community. You can download the TRUMPF Magazine as a PDF or subscribe to the print edition free of charge. 

TRUe #20/2024: Leadership
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TRUe #20/2024: Leadership
  • Kilrea: Hutchinson’s heroes
  • Madrid: Precision work for an iconic club
  • Ballarat: Blazing a trail in Ballarat
  • Ditzingen: Next-level service
Laser Community #39/2024
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Laser Community #39/2024
  • Sustainability: With laser tech a more sustainable world
  • Euro 7: Low-abrasion brake disks made easy
  • Displays: Summer, sun, smartphone


TRUe #19/2024: Loyalty
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TRUe #19/2024: Loyalty
  • Słupsk: True to their roots
  • Nové Zámky: Machines, software and a passion for business
  • Guimarães: Cool company with a warm heart
  • Ditzingen: How cameras learn to see
Laser Community #38/2023
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Laser Community #38/2023
  • Space travel: a single to space, please
  • Beam formation: peak joy
  • Research: the laser goes diving



Would you prefer to read our magazine in printed form? We are happy to send you Laser Community or TRUe in the mail. The subscription is free. To order, please use our email form.

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Annual report

If you would like to read our annual report online or order a printed copy, you can find the latest report here, as well as an archive for the last five years.

Headquarters building of TRUMPF in Ditzingen, Germany
Company profile

Our company profile provides you with brief information in facts and figures, and a video about the TRUMPF Group.

historical picture of the Stuttgart machine shop Julius Geiger GmbH

TRUMPF was founded in 1923 as a series of mechanical workshops, and has since developed into a global high-tech company. Find out about the history of our company.

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