Corporate information

Website operator

TRUMPF SE + Co. KG (Holding)
Johann-Maus-Strasse 2
71254 Ditzingen
Telephone +49 7156 303-0
Fax +49 7156 303-930309

Managing Board:
Dr. phil. Nicola Leibinger-Kammüller (Chairwoman)
Dr. rer. pol. Lars Grünert
Dr.-Eng. Mathias Kammüller
Graduate in Business Administration Oliver Maassen
Dr.-Eng. Stephan Mayer
Dr. rer. nat. Berthold Schmidt
Dr. rer. nat. Hagen Zimer

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr.-Eng. E. h. Peter Leibinger

Responsible for content: Rainer Berghausen, Johann-Maus-Straße 2, 71254 Ditzingen, Germany

Local district court Stuttgart HRA 201460
VAT no. DE 146 019 590
PhG Leibinger SE, Ditzingen site
Local district court Stuttgart HRB 777882

Service & contact