Dr. rer. pol. Lars Grünert

Portrait of Dr. rer. pol. Lars Grünert

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Member of the Managing Board of TRUMPF SE + Co. KG

Responsible for Group Finance & Controlling and Internal Risk Management, Financial Services as well as Treasury & Insurance. 

Born in 1968 in Berlin. Studied Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. Then became project manager at the consulting companies Horváth &Partners and Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.

Head of the controlling department of TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG in Ditzingen, Germany from 2002 to 2005. CFO of TRUMPF Laser GmbH + Co. KG in Schramberg, Germany from 2005 to 2009. CFO of SPI Lasers, Southampton, UK since 2008. CFO of the Laser Technology/Electronics Business Division from 2010 to 2014, responsible for the Central Departments of IT + processes and organizational development.

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Company profile

Our company profile provides you with brief information in facts and figures, and a video about the TRUMPF Group.

Annual report

If you would like to read our annual report online or order a printed copy, you can find the latest report here, as well as an archive for the last five years.

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