People at TRUMPF shaking hands


Our purchasing activities cover everything we require for the development and manufacture of machine tools and industrial lasers. We therefore, need motivated and reliable suppliers. They help us to satisfy our customers.

Our criteria for a joint collaboration

Person from the purchasing department talking to a supplier

At TRUMPF, we not only wish to maintain our position as a provider of highly innovative products and services – we also want to expand it. It is for this reason that we set high performance standards when it comes to selecting our suppliers.

TRUMPF suppliers must therefore, provide products and services that

  • are high-quality
  • are priced competitively
  • have low replacement times and a high degree of flexibility.

With their technical expertise in the key components and services, our suppliers contribute to the innovative strength of TRUMPF. The TRUMPF Conditions of Purchase and quality agreements ensure clarity when dealing with our suppliers.

FAQ on selecting our suppliers

Registering as a supplier

Are you interested in working with TRUMPF? Then please enroll yourself in our supplier database. We will check your profile and get back to you soon about whether a collaboration will be possible and/or feasible.


Conditions of Purchase
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Conditions of Purchase

Our globally applicable Conditions of Purchase, which you can download here, are the cornerstone for a smooth collaboration between our suppliers and TRUMPF.

Goods delivery guideline
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Goods delivery guideline

The goods delivery guideline specifies the packaging and identification requirements for deliveries which are being shipped to TRUMPF.

Code of conduct for suppliers
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Code of conduct for suppliers

We believe a mutual understanding of socially and ecologically responsible behavior as well as ethical business conduct is an essential basis. We therefore agree on the validity of the regulations listed below, summarized in our code of conduct for suppliers.

Cybersecurity Requirements
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Cybersecurity Requirements

Cybersecurity is a top priority for TRUMPF. TRUMPF goes to considerable efforts to create and maintain an appropriate degree of protection for our information and data. Consequently, TRUMPF requires an adequate level of cybersecurity from its suppliers, as is described in the Cybersecurity Requirements.

Find out more

Headquarters building of TRUMPF in Ditzingen, Germany
Company profile

Our company profile provides you with brief information in facts and figures, and a video about the TRUMPF Group.

Annual report

If you would like to read our annual report online or order a printed copy, you can find the latest report here, as well as an archive for the last five years.

TRUMPF employee testing a component
Quality management

The quality of our products and services rests on defined standards and methods as well as the quality awareness that is firmly anchored in our employees.

Service & contact
Central Purchasing