
When passion and profession intersect

We present: Stefanie Epple. This smart and passionate employee likes to give everything her all – not just when it comes to testing machines, but also when figure skating.

Development engineer: Realize top-class machine solutions with us

Are you convinced that there is a solution for any problem? Are you looking to excel yourself in order to optimize technical conditions? These are the ideal prerequisites if you are looking to support us as a development engineer! This is because there is one thing particularly close to our hearts: Developing groundbreaking new products and further developing existing machines and systems. No matter how big the challenge – you can rely on our support. This allows you to achieve top results and enjoy your daily work.

Take a look behind the scenes of our video shoot for our new employer campaign "Trusting in brave ideas" and get to know our colleagues personally.

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5 gute Gründe für TRUMPF

Als weltweit tätiges Familienunternehmen bieten wir sichere Arbeitsplätze mit Möglichkeiten zur individuellen Entwicklung in einer herausragenden Unternehmenskultur.

TRUMPF employees walking upstairs

An innovative company lives off brave ideas. We therefore offer specific support to our employees to aid their sense of initiative, their strengths, and their knowledge.

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